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Health and wellbeing

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Queenslanders’ vision for our health and wellbeing

In 2044, all Queenslanders will make healthy lifestyle choices. We will take personal responsibility for our health and wellbeing, supported by a healthcare system that provides the best possible care and attention for those in need. Our children will learn how to live healthily and develop habits that last a lifetime. In our communities, we will look out for each other, talk often and be active together, enjoying our local green spaces and safe facilities. We will have the best balance between work and life.

Why health and wellbeing is a foundation

Queenslanders believe health and wellbeing are building blocks for fulfilling lives. Read more on page 51 of The Queensland Plan (PDF, 4.19MB).

Spotlight on our health and wellbeing

What Queenslanders want

The following goals highlight what Queenslanders said they wanted to be, do or achieve (in relation to this foundation). These goals are accompanied by the outcomes Queenslanders said they want to see. Read detailed descriptions of success factors in The Queensland Plan (PDF, 4.19MB).

Goal What does success look like?
We are physically and mentally healthy.
We have a balance between prevention and treatment.
Lifestyle diseases are in decline.
Life expectancy has increased for Indigenous Queenslanders.
Mental health has improved.
We regularly engage in healthy activities and make healthy food choices.
We have improved affordability of healthy options.
We are connected to our communities.
We have well-planned and well-connected communities*.
We have greater community interaction and participation.
We enjoy a work-life balance.
We have more time for family and community activities.
Our work environments are flexible.
We have the opportunity to reach our full potential.
We have low levels of poverty and disadvantage.
There are numerous opportunities for intergenerational connection.

*A top 10 priority identified by delegates at the Brisbane Summit.

Achieving success

The following targets and measures will help focus our efforts towards achieving success. The baselines have been sourced from existing data sets as a starting point for future reporting. Download The Queensland Plan (PDF, 4.19MB) for a detailed explanation of what the measures show.

T11 Life expectancy

Regional and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders have the same life expectancy as other Queenslanders.

T12 Disease and injury prevention

Queensland has the lowest incidence of preventable disease and injury in Australia.

T13 Mental health

Queensland leads Australia in improving mental health and wellbeing.

Primary measure Starting point or baseline

Life expectancy

Life expectancy at birth by Indigenous and by regional status.

Source: ABS 3302.0.55.003 (2013), Life Tables for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2010–2012.

Source: Queensland Treasury and Trade (2014), derived from ABS 3302.0 Deaths Australia 2012, unpublished estimates.


68.7 years for males

74.4 years for females

Indigenous Queenslanders
79.4 years for males

83.0 years for females

Non-Indigenous Queenslanders
82.3 years for all persons South East Queenslanda
80.5 years for all persons Rest of Queensland

Baseline by Indigenous status: Average life expectancy at birth of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Queenslanders, 2010–2012.

Baseline by region: Estimated average life expectancy at birth of all persons South East Queensland and rest of Queensland, 2010–2012.

aIncludes ABS Greater Brisbane Statistical Areas level 4 (SA4), Gold Coast SA4 and Sunshine Coast SA4.


Proportion of Queenslanders who are overweight or obese.

Source: Queensland Government Department of Health (2013), Self Reported Health Status 2012: Preventative Health Indicators.


26.6%a 517 years
57.7%b 18 years or older

Baseline: Queenslanders are overweight or obese: a. 2011; b. 2012.

Mental health – illness

Proportion of adults experiencing high or very high levels of psychological distress.

Source: ABS 43640 001_20112012 (October 2012), Australian Health Survey First Results 2011–12 QLD.


10.8% of adults experienced high/very high psychological distress

Baseline: Age-standardised rate of Queensland adults who experienced high or very high levels of psychological distress, 2011–12.

Mental health – wellbeing

Proportion of people highly satisfied with life, and feeling happy and worthwhile.

Source: State survey.


Baseline to be created 2014–15 through a state survey.

Secondary measure Starting point or baseline

Mortality rates

Age-standardised mortality rates for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Queenslanders.

Source: ABS 3303.0 (2014), Cause of death, Australia, 2012.


1104.4 per 100,000 Indigenous Queenslanders
577.1 per 100,000 Non-Indigenous Queenslanders

Baseline: Indigenous and non-Indigenous Queenslanders age-standardised mortality 2012. The age-standardised mortality rate of Queensland’s Indigenous people is 1.9 times that of non-Indigenous people.

Smoking rates

Proportion of Queenslanders who are daily smokers.

Source: Queensland Government Department of Health (2013), Self Reported Health Status 2012: Preventative Health Indicators.


14.3% of Queensland adults smoke on a daily basis.

Baseline: 2012.

Fruit and vegetable consumption

Mean number of serves of fruit and vegetables consumed by adults and children, compared to Australia.

Source: ABS 4324.0.55.003 (2014) Australian, Health Survey Core Content: Risk Factors and Selected Health Conditions, 2011-12 (derived by Queensland Government Department of Health).


1.57 average serves of fruit Queensland adults
2.40 average serves of vegetables
1.87 average serves of fruit Queensland children
1.99 average serves of vegetables

Baseline: 2011–2012.


Proportion of the adult population with diabetes (Types 1 or 2) or high blood sugar.

Source: Queensland Government Department of Health (2013), Self Reported Health Status 2012: Preventative Health Indicators.


8.6% with diabetes or high blood sugar.

Baseline: Queenslanders self-reported diabetes (Types 1 or 2) or high blood sugar, 2012.

Potentially avoidable deaths

Age-standardised mortality rates for potentially avoidable deaths for people aged less than 75 years.

Source: Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision 2012, National Agreement Performance Information 2011-12: National Healthcare Agreement, using ABS Cause of Death data.


157.5 per 100,000 deaths from potentially avoidable conditions.

Baseline: Age standardised rate of Queenslanders aged less than 75 years deaths from potentially avoidable conditions, 2010.

Return to the foundations landing page to understand the purpose of the targets and measures or to select another foundation area to learn about.

Get involved

There are many ways you can help achieve our vision. Visit our Get involved page to read a few suggestions related to each foundation area.

What Queenslanders said

Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Australia (CC BY-ND 3.0)
Last updated
18 May, 2018

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